Commonplace Holiness Holiness woven into the fabric of life...

From Around the Interent 1/16/12


First of all, here is a roundup of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day links. Allan R. Bevere links to the online letters and papers of MLK here: MLK's Letters and Papers Now Online. I would also point out this sermon from November 4, 1956: “Paul’s Letter to American Christians." Laurie Haller reminds us that with regard to racism in the USA, ‘I Didn’t Know’ Is no Longer an Excuse. From Bob Cornwall: Remembering Martin Luther King, Jr. From Matt Kelley: Remembering the Real Dr. King. Matt writes: “Ever since I've been blogging, I've taken the opportunity on the national holiday remembering Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to point out that as thoroughly as we've sanitized Dr. King in our national consciousness, he still remains as dangerous a figure to the economic and political status quo today as he was in his day.”And, sounding a similar note, Steve Manskar posts here: MLK, the Church and Poor People. He writes: “The Dr. King celebrated by the media and dominant culture is stuck in 1963. It seems the culture has embraced the message of racial equality. However, I suspect we will hear nothing about Dr. King’s opposition to the war in Viet Nam. We certainly will not see or hear anything about the Poor People’s Campaign he helped to lead when he was assassinated in April 1968.” From J. R. Daniel Kirk: “Racism” in First Grade. He wonders how MLK’s legacy is best remembered and taught: “is his memory best honored by teaching our young children about the full darkness of racism upon which King shone his light? or is it better honored by celebrating with our young children the reality that he saw and that they are, in many ways, living into?” And, Ken Schenck shares some Confessions on MLK Day.

And, here’s a nice quote from MLK On the Importance of Jazz music.


And, now to change the topic. Here are some stops along the blog tour of J. R. Daniel Kirk’s book
Jesus Have I Loved, But Paul? These bloggers address Chapter 6: Women in the Story of God. Andrew Perriman comments here: Jesus Have I Loved, But Paul? Chapter 6: Women in the Story of God. And, Julie Clawson comments here: Paul, Women, and New Creation.

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