T. E. Hanna: 3 Surprising Reasons Why Post-Modernism Is Good For Christianity
14-02-14 09:01 Filed in: Theology | Theology & Culture
Guest blog by T. E. Hanna. T. E. Hanna is pastor of Highlands United Methodist Church in Florida. He is a full member of the Society of Biblical Literature and holds a Masters of Divinity degree from Asbury Theological Seminary. He is the author of Raising Ephesus: Christian Hope for a Post-Christian Age and used to write regularly on issues of faith and culture on a blog called: Of Dust and Kings. In addition to writing, he has served the church since 1999 in ministry roles ranging from youth pastor, to outreach pastor, to a senior pastorate.
He says of himself: “I’m passionate about reclaiming authentic Christianity in the midst of a culture that has lost its way.” (more…)
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