Commonplace Holiness Holiness woven into the fabric of life...

New American Standard Bible

Praying the Psalms

An Introduction.

Hebrew-MS-PsalmsMany years ago, back in the days when I was in Seminary, I picked up an Interlinear Hebrew-English Psalter.

It’s one of the best purchases I’ve ever made.

It’s a small, slim volume, a 1974 Zondervan reprint of a much older edition published by Samuel Bagster & Sons Ltd. in London. The correct title is: The Interlineary Hebrew and English Psalter in which The Construction of Every Word is Indicated, and the Root of Each Distinguished by the Use of Hollow or Other Types.

I liked the little book immediately, because it is printed in a way that clearly indicated the Hebrew roots and constructions. I knew immediately that I’d made a good purchase.

But, it was many years before I actually put it to any regular use.

Somewhere, some time, I learned to use the Psalms as my Prayer Book. (more…)

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