Finding the Path – Psalm 25:4,5
14-07-04 10:00 Filed in: Bible Studies | Praying the Psalms
There are times when I feel I’ve lost my way. The future seems uncertain and the direction I need to take unclear.
But, there are also times when I feel confident that I know the way — that I know the will of God — at least reasonably well.
Psalm 25:4,5 suggests that I really don’t know the way unless I seek to know it. It further suggests that the process of seeking God’s will may take me some time and effort.
I have been discussing this Psalm as a Psalm for the “Waiting Times” of our lives (here and here and here).
Verses 4 and 5 show us the positive value of these times of waiting: it’s a time to seek God’s will and direction. (more…)
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