Commonplace Holiness Holiness woven into the fabric of life...

Carrie Judd Montgomery

Kevin Jackson: Women Leaders in the Wesleyan Movements

Kevin Jackson

Kevin Jackson

Guest blog by Kevin Jackson. In light of the celebration of Women’s History Month, I am posting this piece by Kevin Jackson of the Wesleyan-Arminian blog. Kevin says of himself: “I live in the Pacific Northwest (the Tri Cities).   I work at a credit union, doing network administration.  I’ve been married since 1993.  We have three children.  We are active in our church, and both come from a Nazarene background.  I love to study God’s word. My favorite scripture passages are: Matthew 5-8, Romans 8, Philippians 2, and the book of First John. My hobbies are: blogging, studying theology, memorizing scripture, hiking, backpacking, gardening, politics, and wasting time on the computer.”

This post is a well researched list of women who were leaders in the early Wesleyan movements. (more…)

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