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Theology & Culture

Why I Don’t Trust Politics

I consider politics to be a necessary evil.

Maybe that’s too strong a statement. Someone might reply to me that the Christian message itself has political implications — and they would surely be right. Obviously, the Old Testament prophets — just to cite one obvious example — had a political message about justice and fairness (in addition to a moral message about right and wrong). Jesus’ message of the Kingdom of God finds its roots in the message of the prophets. I’m all in favor of spelling out the political and social aspects of the Christian message. Really. I am.

And, politics is unavoidable. Where two or three are gathered together, there — pretty soon — will be politics in their midst. People have differing ideas and goals and agendas. If people gather together to accomplish something, then, soon these differences will arise. Sides will emerge. Issues will emerge. The question will be: who will prevail.

So, while there is national politics, there is also community politics, church politics, and family politics. I know that. And, there is no avoiding it.

But, here’s my problem with it: (more…)

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Is The Evangelical Movement Crumbling?

Scot McKnight

On February 15, 2017 Scot McKnight posted some reflections under the title “The Soul of Evangelicalism: What Will Become of Us?” As with a lot of things that are posted on the Internet I didn’t have time to comment on it at the time.

I’m one of those people that owes a debt of gratitude to evangelical Christianity. It was through evangelical Christians — primarily holiness and pentecostal and charismatic Christians — that I heard the Gospel of Christ and was nurtured in the faith. To be honest, I don’t really understand how Christianity can be anything other than “evangelical.” The word evangelical comes from the Greek word εὐαγγέλιον (euaggelion) which means “good news” and is generally translated “Gospel.” Christianity has good news to share about Christ. The desire to spread that message — with the notion that it is good news for everyone — is the evangelical impulse.

In that respect, I agree with this guy, “evangelical” is a good word: (more…)

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T. E. Hanna: 3 Surprising Reasons Why Post-Modernism Is Good For Christianity

T. E. Hanna

T. E. Hanna

Guest blog by T. E. Hanna. T. E. Hanna is pastor of Highlands United Methodist Church in Florida. He is a full member of the Society of Biblical Literature and holds a Masters of Divinity degree from Asbury Theological Seminary. He is the author of Raising Ephesus: Christian Hope for a Post-Christian Age and used to write regularly on issues of faith and culture on a blog called: Of Dust and Kings. In addition to writing, he has served the church since 1999 in ministry roles ranging from youth pastor, to outreach pastor, to a senior pastorate.

He says of himself: “I’m passionate about reclaiming authentic Christianity in the midst of a culture that has lost its way.” (more…)

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