John Wesley: The Original Design of the Methodists
Afterwards I met the society, and explained to them at large the original design of the Methodists, viz., not to be a distinct party, but to stir up all parties, Christians or Heathens, to worship God in spirit and in truth; but the Church of England in particular; to which they belonged from the beginning. With this view, I have uniformly gone on for fifty years, never varying from the doctrine of the Church at all; nor from her discipline, of choice, but of necessity: So, in a course of years, necessity was laid upon me, (as I have proved elsewhere,)
1. To preach in the open air.
2. To pray extempore.
3. To form societies.
4. To accept of the assistance of Lay Preachers:And, in a few other instances, to use such means as occurred, to prevent or remove evils that we either felt or feared.
— Journal: April 12, 1789.